Download the FREE gardening app today.
Keep a journal of what's going on in your garden. Track harvests and watering or use our rich notes, including pictures, to capture observations in the garden. Keeping a log of what you do is the best way to learn and increase your harvest.
Search our database of over +250k vegetables and plants. Each vegetable variety is different, find exactly what you are growing and get the right information. Legume is the best free gardening app for vegetable gardeners.
Get help and advice from your smart gardening assistant. Legume is there to help you 24/7.
A lot of things need to happen throughout the growing season. Legume will help you keep track of it all with recurring tasks, reminders and notifications. Never forget to water, fertilize or take care of your vegetables again. Legume is here to help unlock your full potential as a gardener.
Simple things can make a big difference. Legume automatically tracks the weather for you and will remind you to water your plants when it's needed. Never over-water again. Knowing when and how much to water your plants was never easier.
All the information you need to be successful, in one place.